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Screenshot Hero
Screenshot Hero scans through your screenshots (and other saved photos) and makes then instantly searchable by text in them.
– Images are all processed on-device and nothing is sent to any server.
– We have tested to work with thousands of images.
– Best and most performant OCR technology.
How to Use Screenshot Hero iOS Apps
Step 1. Just Download this Screenshot Hero App
Step 2. Open
Step 3. Give Permeations
Step 4. and Done
Step 5. Now search any Keyword which in your Screenshot image and you good to go!
Technical Details by Screenshot Hero App Developer
I wanted to build a simple utility app that would run OCR through my photos (all 5000+ of them) and make them searchable. I had following constraints for it:
- It has to be fast. The UI needs to be fluid even for thousands of images.
- All processing should happen on-device, should not be uploading photos to a cloud service.
- I need to make it quick (I only had a week allocated for this project).
Capsule Private Storage – Hide and Lock Photos in Any iPhone
I am primarily a web developer and am not a skilled mobile developer. So I attempted this project with three different frameworks and here are my notes:
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