Track My Phone using Chat Messages allows you to get the location of your device by just sending a chat message from other device to your device.
Ever been in a situation where you want to know where your friend, wife, parent or kid is but you are not able to reach them and they are not responding to your calls? Or your elder parents are travelling and you want to check that they have reached their destination or how close they are for their destination?
Now, there’s “Track My Phone” app which will enable you to check and track your friends, family members using the most commonly used chat messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram. All you need to do is have the app installed on your dependent’s phone. Once installed and all the permissions are granted, you can just send WhatsApp/Telegram messages in particular format and the app will respond with the status.
For example, you want to check your father’s location, he has to first have this app installed on his phone. You have to send a WhatsApp message with text “Location 1234” since PIN is 1234 by default. The PIN number can be changed in the Settings of the app. If the PIN is changed to, say 9421, then the WhatsApp message that you have to send to your father’s mobile is “Location 9421” (without the quotes) and you will get the location of your father’s device.
Commands using Chat Messages
App allows you to perform following commands during emergencies:
Help PIN: Sends the list of Commands that can be executed.
Location PIN: Get the Google Map location of the device. GPS needs to be enabled for this to work.
Siren PIN: Rings a loud siren by increasing the volume even when the mobile is in silent mode. Helps track the phone when misplaced.
Vibrate PIN: Vibrates the phone for 10 seconds.
Torch PIN: Switches flashlight on for 30 seconds.
Battery PIN: Get the battery charge status to keep yourself informed about how low the battery is.
App PIN: Replies with App URL, for others to download.