Powy Power button shortcuts

Powy Power button shortcuts allows you to have access to various configurable shortcuts just by pressing the power button.
Now you can also fire Tasker tasks through your power button.
☆ Open camera app
☆ Turn on or off your flashlight / torch / LED
☆ Hear the current time
☆ Record audio
☆ Tasker tasks – Tasker app needs to be installed
All shortcuts work even when device is locked.
Battery friendly.
All of the features listed above work on background and Powy does not have to be open or in recent apps to work.
You can turn on/off shortcuts. You can configure shortcuts key combinations. And you can start/stop Powy at any time.
Works on smartphones and tablets.
Lock Screen Protector: Power Button on/off Lock
After starting Powy Power button shortcuts you just have to calmly press the power button the number of times that match the configured shortcut you desire to trigger.
To use Tasker tasks shortcut you need Tasker app installed. And Tasker must allow external access.
☆ Open your camera app – Quick access to camera app for devices that do not have a camera button, or that cannot open camera app while device is locked.
☆ Turn on or off your flashlight / torch / LED – Quick access to flashlight for devices that do not have that shortctut or key.
☆ Hear the current time – Use while running / jogging / exercising to know the time. Use if you like to know the time without taking the phone out of your pocket / purse and you’re using headphones / headsets.
☆ Record audio – Record audio whenever you need to.
☆ Tasker tasks – You can do a lot with Tasker and now by using Powy you can trigger tasks through your power button. You can for example turn on or off the WiFi using this shortcut.
Power to the button!
Why nothing happens when I press the power button?
Try not to press the power button too quickly. Powy actually relies on screen on/off events. If you still cannot trigger a shortcut you should try increasing the configurations on total/individual times in Powy preferences.